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Hearing, Balance & Tinnitus Assessments

Hearing Tests

The Best Hearing Care

One of our fully qualified hearing clinicians will perform the following tests.



A test based on the use of pure tones of various frequencies VS intensities as auditory stimuli to measure ones hearing, and to plot comparisons of right and left ears with earphones and bone oscillator to test eardrum and nerve thresholds respectively. (Suitable from the age of 3 and over)

The measurement of the middle ear function, the ability of the eardrum and ossicular chain to transmit sound pressure waves. (Suitable for all ages)



Brainstem Evoked Response Audiometry (B.E.R.A):
This test is a form of electrophysiological audiometry in which a computer is included in the circuit to average out ongoing or spontaneous brain wave activity based on the response of the 8th Cranial nerve. A characteristic pattern of response to a sound stimulus may then become evident. It is used in investigating retro cochlear pathology such as acoustic neuroma, nerve function, tinnitus, vertigo, and asymmetrical losses. (Suitable for all ages) 



Electronystagmography (E.N.G) & Caloric:
A test that assesses the vestibular function and labyrinth disorders, for dizzy or vertiginous patients. It involves various positional testing and stimulating the semicircular canals (Caloric test) that involves irrigating the ear canals at a precise temperature of 30 and 44 degrees and measuring the involuntary eye response (Nystagmus) that results. (Suitable from adolescent age and over)


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